Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Will Play 'Deep Throat' Porn Star

say Lohan is set to play Linda Lovelace, the porn star featured in 1972's infamous 'Deep Throat.' Although the news feels like just another talking point tossed on the gossip pile, LiLo's chum/photographer Tyler Shields is presenting the casting news as hard fact -- no matter how snugly it seems to fit into the never-ending LiLo narrative.

"Shields confirmed to us this weekend that the actress has indeed landed the gig," E! Online reports.

The film is an independent venture titled 'Inferno,' rumored (again, those dang rumors...) to be officially announced at Cannes Film Festival later this month.
Our gut reaction to the role -- particularly after LiLo's gun-in-mouth, blood-splattered photo shoot with Shields just last week -- is that it has a certain scent of shock value. But in a recent (and oh-so-perfectly-timed) Pop-ed, one of our suggestions for Lohan to regain her career mojo was this: Shrug your shoulders and say, "Whaddya gonna do?" And isn't that exactly what this role does for LiLo? She's doing precisely what the tabloids expect her to do, and in the process, getting back on the silver screen and possibly flipping the gossipmongers on their heads.

Consider: Linda Lovelace "later denounced her pornography career, claimed that she had been forced into it by her sadistic first husband, and for a while became a spokeswoman for the anti-pornography movement" (thanks, Wiki). Sounds like this seemingly unsurprising role could wind up being something resonant and poignant for Lohan -- a metaphor in art a la Mickey Rourke's hard times and comeback being mirrored in 'The Wrestler.'

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